
Condor and Eagle Prophecy, The Divine Presence and the Destiny of Humanity

Condor and Eagle Prophecy, The Divine Presence and the Destiny of Humanity

“In these troubled times, it behooves all who feel the call to devote themselves wholeheartedly to realize this goal and become themselves beacons of divine light.”

Years ago I asked my spiritual master, Miguel A. Kavlin, founder of the Sacha Runa Healing Community in Bolivia, what had been the vision that gave purpose to his life. He was rearranging the instruments in his altar when he answered.

“I had always wondered if all the talk about the Condor and the Eagle Prophecy was only marketing or someone’s invention. One day, holding a ceremony in this very temple, I decided to find out for myself. I held a condor feather in one hand, an eagle feather on the other, and sought to integrate them in my consciousness. Something amazing happened; my mind took a quantum leap and I entered another dimension. I remember saying out loud: ‘Now the condor and the eagle have really come together’.

Moments later, a sublime spirit manifested in the temple, not as a form but as a magnificent, benevolent and powerful divine presence. At that point I could do no more than prostrate myself flat on the floor for I knew that I was in the presence of the divine and a great blessing had descended upon us. I had never experienced the stars, the Andes mountains, the earth, and all my internal energies aligned in such a state of grace before.

This divine presence conveyed unto us that this state I had experienced is the New Earth and the New Heaven promised in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Andeans call it Pachakuti. It is a mystery calling us onto this divine presence that is accessible to all of us who wish to heal, connect and serve with love, devotion, and surrender.

Thereafter this divine presence began to manifest in the various healing ceremonies from various traditions that are shared and taught in our community.

It was this divine presence which later brought me to meet Babaji Baldev Singh, a true saint from India who embodies and exemplifies this state of grace in human body. He is a perfect channel and a passageway to that state, and since meeting him I have devoted my life to achieve this spiritual transformation and embody such grace, while helping others to do the same.”

At this point, having busied himself while talking in the cleaning of his pipe, Miguel looked me dead in the eye and said words that will never fade from my memory.

“You know, it is not only our destiny and our birthright, but our obligation to do so. We have come to this existence many times, and we will keep on reincarnating until we achieve this. In these troubled times, it behooves all who feel the call to devote themselves wholeheartedly to realize this goal and become themselves beacons of divine light to share and light up this miracle in others.”

These words Miguel spoke have never left me, and I have since recognized them as incarnating my own sense of purpose.

Under his direction, we at Sacha Runa Healing Community are now helping anyone who hears this call and comes with an open heart and committed mind to undergo the transformation, tap into source, and manifest their destiny to birth the New Time and serve all beings with love, devotion, and surrender.

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Sacha Runa is an organization dedicated to help people reconnect with the vital forces of the Universe, their own truth, and the Supreme Source.

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