
The Beautiful Future That Could Be

The Beautiful Future That Could Be

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“Mr. Rogers showed us a small neighborhood where all the inhabitants lived peacefully with each other; it’s up to us to expand that vision.

The unexpected popularity of the recent documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” shows how much people are craving a gentler, kinder world than the one we’re experiencing today. The film recounts how Fred Rogers, the host and creator of the children’s television show “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood,” used that program to demonstrate a friendly and loving neighborhood environment where all children were accepted, appreciated and loved. Everything was about love, he said—either giving it or needing it—and he focused his show on providing love in many forms to everyone in the neighborhood, unconditionally.

Wouldn’t we all like our neighborhoods to be like Mr. Rogers’? Well, a planetary culture based on real love—a love-in-action encompassing wisdom, compassion, sharing, justice, and acceptance—is the vision for humanity set forth by a great spiritual teacher named Maitreya. According to British author Benjamin Creme, Maitreya has been in our everyday world since 1977, working behind the scenes for our betterment until the conditions are right for him to appear before all of us simultaneously on an international television/internet broadcast. Like other great teachers before him, such as Krishna, the Buddha, and Mohammed, he has come to bring us the next lessons we need for our evolutionary journey.

Much as Mr. Rogers spoke earnestly and truthfully with the children in his neighborhood, during his international broadcast, Maitreya will explain that we are all equally beautiful divine beings who have forgotten who we are. He’ll tell us how we’ve lost our way in competition and materialism and how we can repair the damage we’ve done to each other and Earth. He’ll advise us as one human family to share the resources of Earth more fairly, as a normal family would, and he’ll describe the miraculous future we can create together if we choose to share.

What might that future look like?

If we choose to share and implement a rational redistribution of the world’s resources (food, raw materials, etc.), a better balance will be struck between the developed and developing world. Hunger and poverty would end, and a sophisticated form of barter would replace the present economic systems.

Our attention would also be turned to cleaning up the environment and making Earth viable again. New, universally-accepted legislation would reflect the growing concern for nature and the environment. In major cities, slums would be replaced by parks and environmentally-friendly housing communities.

A new Science of Light would be introduced gradually when we realize our oneness and renounce war completely, destroying all weapons of war. We would begin to use light directly from the sun—free to all—for every energy need, making all current forms of power obsolete.

The nations of the world, sharing resources and aiming for sustainable sufficiency, would gravitate toward various forms of democratic socialism, and we would enter an era of tranquility and peace in exact proportion to the present discord.

Mr. Rogers showed us a small neighborhood where all the inhabitants lived peacefully with each other; it’s up to us to expand that vision to include all of humanity, the other kingdoms of nature, and Earth itself.

More info here.

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