
How to Use Energy Work to Manifest your Desires

How to Use Energy Work to Manifest your Desires


What are you interested in creating and actualizing?

Sponsored Content from Energy Healing Institute

As the year draws to a close and a new year is upon us, the hype of setting resolutions accelerates. For most of us, resolutions don’t work. They lack focus, energy and commitment.The act of setting them seems more like a task than an intention. And the follow through is rarely sponsored by an inner mandate.

Most of us have ideas, desires, goals and needs that we’d like to actualize. Yet we can want these things quite deeply, and not bring them to fruition. When something wanted, desired or needed isn’t manifesting, there is often an energy incongruence inhibiting or blocking actualization.

Energy flows where attention goes

If energy is placed on what is wanted, it is similar to a donkey walking endlessly toward a carrot on a stick in front of him. The stick is attached to the donkey’s harness; he’ll walk all day toward the source of his desire.

Desires may be external or internal. What are you interested in creating and actualizing?

External Desires:

  • A new career
  • A healthier lifestyle
  • A partner or new relationship
  • A relocation

Internal Desires:

  • Peace
  • Clarity
  • Self-love and acceptance
  • Abundant resources for living fully
  • Deeper spiritual connection

Revolutionizing Resolutions

External and internal desires aren’t easily ‘resolutioned’ into being. Instead, here’s a recipe for generating and actualizing desires:

  • set an aligned intention and anchor it in your energy body
  • maintain focused attention
  • take coherent actions to bring the idea into form

Add in daily tending of your energy field with practices such as dialoguing, clearing and infusing.

It’s important to allow for linear time to be part of the mix. While it’s true that time is merely a construct, we live in relationship to it as a measure of our experience. Sometimes it takes time to bring idea into form. Honing intention, retaining focus and doing the next right thing is essential.

Moving into the New Year, consider an energetic approach to generating your life’s desires. What is calling to be birthed into your life?

I’m excited to have a new way to support people in their process of manifestation. I hope you will join me for 60 days of energy practices delivered to your inbox daily. Commit yourself to the intention or idea that you’re holding in your heart. For 60 days, move toward manifestation in a focused, guided and energy-rich manner. I look forward to supporting your unfolding.

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