
How to Initiate Connection with Your Spirit Guides

How to Initiate Connection with Your Spirit Guides


A psychic medium shares the fundamentals of psychic development

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Connecting with your spirit guide is a relatively simple process but one that can confuse those who are new to meditation and spirituality. Let’s go over some ways you can connect to your spirit guide quickly and easily as well as how to communicate with them more clearly. By learning about your spirit guides, you can work with them in psychic abilities training to increase and open your abilities.

What Are Spirit Guides?

Spirit guides are entities designed to help and advise you on this physical plane of existence. Your guides—everyone has more than one—were given to you before you were made flesh. They are non corporeal beings, assigned by the universal mind to travel alongside you while you exist on this earth. They are responsible for helping you navigate your way through life, expand your realization of your higher self, and make your journey easier. Spirit guides advise, nudge, comfort, and of course, guide. Their purpose is not to do things for you or make your decisions; they are there just to guide and inform. They are kindly entities, specifically concerned with your good—nothing more.

There are spirits of the departed, like loved ones who have passed on, engaged in helping and guiding, but they are not spirit guides. Spirit guides are different and should not to be confused with guardian angels or angels of any kind. The best explanation for spirit guides is to say they are entities, composed of energy, which do not have substance and which are often directed to aid your higher self.

Spirit guides are uniquely able to help where intuition is not. This is because spirit guides know all that has been and is now going on in your life. They are entities that may or may not work in concert with other guides on your behalf. They may appear to have male or female characteristics, but they are neither male nor female. Those characteristics are there to aid your human understanding and to give you something with which you can easily identify.

Different Types of Spirit Guides

Best Friend Guide

Your best friend guide will be your main guide. It will be the one with whom you will spend most of your time and have most of your interaction. This guide is similar to a friend. It behaves like a companion, bringing comfort, laughter, and joy. It is around to remind you to handle situations with kindness and diplomacy. It is there to remind you to take a breath when things go wrong and to be patient with things difficult to change. This guide advises when choices involve your happiness. It is believed that this guide has lived a human life; because of this, it understands all you are experiencing and what the outcomes of decisions may be.

If you need a little boost to balance your day or to reignite your clarity of thought, your best friend guide is the one to help. If you find yourself a bit down about, expect your best friend guide to appear and prompt you to rethink your situation. It will remind you to laugh.

Remember: your best friend guide is always present.

Guardian Guide

The job of your guardian guide is to keep you aware, forewarned, and safe. This guide often comes with messages of caution and warning. Think of the guardian guide as your chief protector. If you have a feeling cautioning you, it is probably your guardian guide, instructing you to be careful.

Wisdom or Scholar Guide

The wisdom or scholar guide is the teacher. If it were a being living on earth, it might take on the form of a wise old man with profound insights. It might be an individual with incomparable wisdom, whom you would find easy to trust. If you have questions about learning, education, or philosophy, this is the guide who will assist you. It is the spiritual guru, versed in education and learning.

Body-Balance Guide

We have only one physical body, and it is sacred. The body-balance guide is concerned with your health and wellness—your diet, exercise, and medical care. If you hear a voice advising, “That is not a good choice for your body,” listen. It is your body- balance guide giving you a nudge.

Short Term Guides

It is possible to ask the universe for short-term guides to help you. These are guides with a particular skill or information. If you are writing a book, then you may want to call on a guide skilled in that area. If you are preparing for a test, you may need a guide with expertise in that particular field of study.

How to Communicate with Spirit Guides

Spirit guides also communicate in a unique way. They come across through thoughts—strong thoughts. They send messages in the same way messages are sent to Spirit Interactors (mediums). Know that their connection with humans is always gentle. You should think about it as receiving a message unlike intuition or mental insight. It is stronger and more directed than that. The best way to think of spirit guide connections is to think of them as concerned messages with direction.

Spirit guide relationships are also unique. They are relationships you should cultivate as any other meaningful and important relationship requiring nurturing and caring. A spirit guide relationship needs the same level of commitment and time any significant relationship requires. The more time and attention you give to cultivating open lines of communication with your guide, the stronger your relationship will become.

To establish first contact with your spirit guide, find a quiet area and sit in a relaxed position. This is necessary to achieve the meditative state where you and your spirit guide will meet for the first time.

At this point you’ll state a prayer to invite your spirit guide to contact you. An example would be something along the lines of “Spirit guide I invite you into my space. I would like to establish a dialog of open, clear communication with you.”

Once you’ve sent the invitation you must listen and trust your spirit guide to contact you. Remember, you must be patient. This is a high vibrational relationship and communication may not be clear at first. The key is to not try too hard and let messages and guidance come naturally.

I’m often times asked by my clients how I can know my spirit guide’s name. To know your spirit guide’s name simply ask them during mediation and trust the first name that comes. Keep in mind that knowing your spirit guide’s name is not always of importance and some people communicate with their guide their whole life without knowing their name.

Learn More with Psychic Development Training

All kinds of spirit guides, as helpful as they are, can’t and won’t make decisions for you. They’re available only to assist you. There is a conundrum about the effectiveness of guides. Because we have a deep, intuitive knowledge about what is right for us and what is right to do, we don’t always need a voice outside of ourselves—spirits, spirit guides, or anyone else—telling us what to do. But because human beings tend not to obey those things they know to be right, other entities often need to intervene to reinforce the necessity for doing what is right. Insecurity over a decision may not be valid. Dig deep within, and the choice will always be clear. Just remember to make choices that meld with your own goals and needs—not the goals and needs of others. The good news is that if you think you need the advice of a guide, you can have one whenever you choose.

If you’d like to learn more about; psychic medium and how to connect with your spirit guides and other courses for psychic development training, check out my tele-courses and development programs at

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