
The Magical Synthesis of Art and Process

The Magical Synthesis of Art and Process

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The transformative potential of the blend of coaching, creative expression and depth work is undeniable to those who have experienced this method.

Sponsored Content from Journey Path Institute

I found my way back to art at a time of personal unraveling, it became a journey experience that not only restored me but the exposed me to a depth of engaging art as process that ultimately re-storied my life. Seeking my stories while working with image, color and form allowed me to understand my material of life from new perspectives. It was this that drew me to blending my coaching practice with depth work and art as process.

Coaching and expressive arts are both rich tools of transformation and healing. As a coach, my life’s work revolves around the magical synthesis of these two healing paths coupled with the power of Jungian depth-work. Through work with thousands of clients and students over fifteen years I see several powerful ways the expressive art can serve the work of coaching.

Four ways that Art as Process benefits depth work:

Creativity is innate. Bringing in the creative language of the client to both expand self-knowledge and create emotional touchstones deepens any coaching encounter. Many creative forms and materials can be used to explore emotion, memories, intuitive knowing, experience and embodied sensing. Simple practices such as collage, art-journaling, and even list-making can be powerful doorways regardless of experience or skill.

Art-making creates an energetic connection that can be embraced as a personal language of the soul and a reflection of the whole self. Expressive arts serve as a guide, the engagement itself becoming a process of discovery.

Art as a healing practice, creates a space for connection, action and engagement that leads to deeper healing and transformation. Creative expression, when explored with a trained creative depth coach, can activate immediate shifts in perspective and perception, and may be relevant to healing and personal growth for years.

The engagement with self and materials becomes a passage to the inner realm, where personal and collective wisdom or information is held. Once recognized, this inner wisdom can be embraced, explored and expressed immediately and long past the time of the initial creating. What is known cannot be un-known. The work holds potency, deepens self-knowledge and become one’s own source material.

The transformative potential of the blend of coaching, creative expression and depth work is undeniable to those who have experienced this method.

Sign up here for the Free Masterclass to find our more about the benefits and power of integrative process through depth coaching.

Sponsored by: Journey Path Institute

JourneyPath Institute is an online adult learning environment designed to offer:

— A Jungian approach to Depth Work, utilizing Narrative Process, Myth, Story, Expressive Art, coaching concepts and tools to develop ones own process and expand your original voice when working with self, individuals and groups.

— A strong emphasis on blended and experiential learning, offered with easy access module learning, in a interactive, easy to use, global university platform. All programs have valuable supportive materials, video, audio and written manual, interactive share space, with group calls and individual coaching support offered in advanced training.

— Extended educational opportunities for general interest, facilitator and advanced coach training, all are intended to build on your wisdom and advance your experience in the fields of arts-based healing, applied coaching tools, wellness practice, embodied experience, art as ritual and transformative process.

— Comprehensive and flexible programs offered globally, in an interactive classroom.

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