
Ho‘oponopono Every Day

Ho‘oponopono Every Day

The Book of Ho’Oponopono by Jean Graciet, Luc Bodin, M.D., and Nathalie Bodin Lamboy


Ho‘oponopono is an essential element of Huna, the traditional healing and spiritual shamanism of Hawaii. Formerly a carefully guarded secret, the process is now available for all to use in creating harmony in their lives and peace in the world. Ho‘oponopono leads us to look at others and ourselves in a way that is entirely different, if not diametrically opposite. This is where the practice of Ho‘oponopono becomes much more complex and demands a significant shift in many people’s beliefs and values.

Ho‘oponopono was invoked “to make right, establish ­harmony, correct what is wrong, and restore things to order.” When individuals had disagreements, or relational problems appeared in a community, everyone gathered in the presence of all the protagonists and there, under the guidance of a kahuna (priest), all were granted forgiveness.

Ho‘oponopono is a process of atonement or reconciliation among individuals of the same family or community.

What I like about the practice of Ho‘oponopono is that it can be integrated into all lifestyles. Whether you are a believer, an atheist, or simply a seeker, this tool is extremely useful to all who desire to evolve.

This is because human beings need to know where they are coming from, who they are, and why they are here. Each of us has a question inside that needs an answer. The search for meaning is a powerful motor that gives wings to life. Its intensity varies only based on the will of the individual. It is up to each person to decide where this engine should lead, knowing full well that this motor is propelled by boundless positive energy.

Why is it so powerful? It is quite simply because of the deep self that is there, throbbing with joy at the idea of helping you discover the magic of life. This motor is therefore plugged into the boundless reservoir of the universe, with an abundance of the fuel called love.

And what is this love? It is the grand flow that traverses the universe and which some people believe to be the power of God. Others call it the power of intention, or qi. What I can tell you 
is that it is everywhere, and it is what connects you to the universe. So just as each of us on this planet is connected to the ­universe, you and I are connected. This union is not metaphorical; it is really there, though impalpable and extremely present. You know that satellites beam across the entire surface of the earth and can connect you with other people, so think of yourself as a relay antenna. You hold an inexhaustible power that is sent to you by all the satellites of the universe, and you can transmit it.

How do you transmit love? It is fairly simple, in fact. It is by connecting you to the “computer chip” that serves as a connection with the universe. The chip is your deep self, your inner deity, and the access code is “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.” Next you let the universe, God, or intention do what it does. That’s all.

The thing that is so incredible about Ho‘oponopono is that this approach does not replace any other developmental process. It does much better than that, as it can accompany every technique that follows this direction.

For example, when you are using tools such as meditation, yoga, or qi gong to establish a sense of peace within you and you start feeling your mind drifting, Ho‘oponopono allows you to regain the inner concentration that peace gives you. “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.” This will help you pull yourself together when your ego is putting up too many excuses for why you should not dive into meditation.

Another important point is that you do not need anybody else in order to do Ho‘oponopono. No guru, therapist, or priest can do it in your place. The predominant aspect of this method is the autonomy of thought. Each time a conflict arises in your presence, it is up to you to decide whether or not to cleanse it. No one else steps in or makes the decision in your place. You are the only actor.

In fact, it is an element that immediately called out to me in this practice. I was seduced by the idea of not having to ask anyone for anything to free myself from guilt, jealousy, fear, and greed. I just needed to be attuned to myself.

The other notion that gave me the desire to say “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you” was that of my own responsibility in events, or rather my creative participation in their making. I no longer had any reason to have it in for anyone; I simply had to look at the facts for what they are: personal messages to help us evolve. This allowed for a breathtaking increase in energy. Imagine all the energy we expend in resentment, anger, and sorrow. No more useless fatigue, no more irritations that go on for days and months—what a huge gain in time!

Over the months and years of my Ho‘oponopono practice, I’ve made new discoveries. This is because the cleansing of erroneous memories and the empty space they left was to inspiration’s advantage. All this took place through ­synchronicities—those things that happen at an opportune moment because your unconscious mind has permitted them to exist in your surroundings. You know that there is no coincidence when you reach this level of understanding. Everything becomes a message.

From the book you just chose to the conversation with a stranger in the supermarket, by way of the e-mail that gives you an idea to write about in your next article, it is perpetually active movement. It is right there in front of you, showing you that abundance is in fact within arms’ reach.

Wouldn’t this abundance be transported by the flow of the universe, or the power of God, or that divine energy whose true name you have guessed? Yes, it really is that—abundance travels on the wings of love.

Luc Bodin, M.D., specializes in holistic medicine. The author of several health books, he presents workshops and trainings on energy treatments in Europe, Canada, and French Polynesia.

Nathalie Bodin Lamboy is a feng shui expert with additional training in energetic and psycho-energetic practices.

Jean Graciet is a practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis and specializes in the study of the meaning of symptoms and diseases. Along with his wife, he teaches workshops on Ho'oponopono. All three authors live in France.

The Book of Ho’Oponopono by Jean Graciet, Luc Bodin, M.D., and Nathalie Bodin Lamboy © 2016 Destiny Books. Printed with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.

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