
Ignite Your Inner Fire: 25 Inspiring Intentions

Ignite Your Inner Fire: 25 Inspiring Intentions

Life is a miraculous gift. Yet, as many of us move through time, we seem to have forgotten.

We’ve grown weary, disconnected, distracted or detached. We’ve lost our connection with our inner fire—our unique experience of being alive and belonging in a greater sense to others, and the world around us.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve counseled individuals and couples seeking therapy for anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship issues, etc. Regardless of the presenting issue, I’ve felt it my deep honor and profound responsibility to reignite their inner fire. I do this by knowing them, mirroring back to them all of their strengths and gifts, and then inviting them to align their lives with who they truly are as their highest and best selves.

One client recently said, “Thank you for making me embrace my life and my light and step into who I truly am.”

If your inner fire has dampened from the stressors and challenges of living in today’s world, I recommend the following inspirational intentions:

1) I intend to surround myself with people who see me as my highest and best self and light my inner light.

2) I intend to connect with my deeper self through creative activities that refuel my energy.

3) I intend to do work that is engaging and meaningful to me on a deeper level.

4) I intend to connect with my body through my favorite exercise regimens.

5) I intend to nurture my spirit by taking time for quiet pause and reflection and will implement practices such as connection with nature, mindful breathing, meditation, etc.

6) I intend to deepen my relationships by giving voice to my feelings.

7) I intend to actualize my dreams by taking the steps I know I need to take.

8) I intend to remove myself from relationships, situations and activities that dampen my spirit and kill my fire.

9) I intend to stop self-sabotaging behaviors.

10) I intend to cease self-limiting beliefs.

11) I intend to nurture my body with healthy food filled with “prana” or “life force.”

12) I intend to expand my comfort zone by doing something new that I have always wanted to do.

13) I intend to embrace and explore my sexuality by communicating my desires with my partner.

14) I intend to free my space of unneeded possessions.

15) I intend to shed my life of unnecessary obligations.

16) I intend to live authentically and speak my truths from a place of love and vulnerability.

17) I intend to play freely and laugh with abandon.

18) I intend to practice gratitude, noticing and giving thanks for all that is good.

19) I intend to create a home that is comfortable and beautiful and reflective of who I am.

20) I intend to courageously embrace my personal power, knowing it is fueled by all who love me and trusting there is nothing to fear about my greatness.

21) I intend to put myself out there and live life more fully and completely.

22) I intend to release any negative feelings I hold in my heart or my body, such as shame, guilt, anger, anxiety, or fear to create space for joy.

23) I intend to free myself from black-and-white, rigid thinking that keeps me stuck and constrained.

24) I intend to seek personal and professional relationships and opportunities that promote learning and growth.

25) I intend to live a great life filled with love, health, happiness and prosperity.

This story first appeared on Psych Central. To view the original article, click here.

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