
  Faster Food Choices: 9 Favorite Apps

Faster Food Choices: 9 Favorite Apps

Being an informed foodie has never been easier. Our favorite apps offer information and inspiration at the touch of an icon.

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a variety of healthful foods makes meals more interesting. A Daily Apple delivers information about a different ingredient every day—from spices to seafood—including origin, preparation tips, and recipes. (free and premium versions for iPhone)

If you’re having trouble navigating the opaque language of product labels, Fooducate can give you a quick, simple graded rating. Scan the bar code to get information on ingredients and their safety, as well as suggestions for healthier alternatives. (free for iPhone and Android)

Forage your food with Wild Edibles. Crisp photos and detailed descriptions identify common wild plants and distinguish edible from poisonous species. The app includes recipes and instructions for preparation. ($4.99 for iPhone)

You know your choice of seafood affects the health of our oceans, but it’s hard to remember what to select when you’re at the store or in a restaurant. With Seafood Watch, you can find the best choices, from salmon to sushi, and even read up on issues of ocean sustainability while the grill is heating. (Free for iPhone and Android)

Unsure how to identify the best arugula or check for peak ripeness in a pear? Harvest offers tips to find the tastiest, freshest items in the produce aisle, along with information on avoiding pesticide residues. ($1.99 for iPhone)

If you want to buy and eat only the freshest fruits, fungi, nuts, and veggies, Seasons provides a handy chart to shows you what’s in season, whether it’s local or imported, and a list of nearby farmers markets. ($1.99 for iPhone)

The Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen app will alert you to the produce that is known to be the most contaminated with pesticides. A bonus list of the “clean 15” steers you to better alternatives. (Free for iPhone and Android)

What’s On My Food? details the chemicals that may be on your food, providing information on different classes of pesticides, including specific health risks they may pose and whether they’re toxic to honeybees. (Free for iPhone)

If you’re concerned about genetically engineered ingredients in your food, try TrueFood from the Center for Food Safety. The straightforward shopping guide helps you flag GMOs, while added features provide more information and even help you speak out on the issue with action alerts. (Free for iPhone and Android)

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