Spiritual Practices Examen Practice: Following the Thread An examen practice can assist in finding and interpreting the thread of spirituality that is ...
Mental Wellness The Stradivarius in the Spruce: Writing Heals Let writing be your liberator. There may just be a violin trapped within you, just waiting to ...
Mental Wellness 16 Affirmations for Surrender and Trust Stuck and disappointed? Affirmations for surrender and trust can help get you through.
Perspectives 6 Steps to Ignite Your Power of Intention What do you want? Use the power of intention to focus your mind on your next steps.
Relationships 5 Qualities to Build in Yourself Before Committing Everyone wants to be loved, especially romantically. But before committing to a romantic ...
Mental Wellness Mindfulness Can Get You There “It takes courage to let go of habits and beliefs championed by our parents and those we ...
Spiritual Practices Using the Lens of Self-Awareness to Shift Your Personal Vibration “The process of genuine, self-loving transformation requires us to view ourselves with new ... Sponsored
Mental Wellness Nourishing Self-Care Practices for Now Stressed? Depleted? Us too. These restorative practices are designed to help you replenish yourself.
Living in the World What Is the Human Potential Movement? The Human Potential Movement peaked in the 1960s and 1970s. Read about it from someone who was ...
Perspectives Be a Getter, Not a Taker Clinical psychologist MOLLY HOWES explains why the first step to an apology is to not say a word.
Mental Wellness “Why Do I Still Struggle So Much With Self-Esteem?” Struggling with self-esteem? You're not alone.
Befriending Nightmares Don’t run away. Engaging with dreams—even nightmares—can teach us a lot about our emotional selves.
Relationships The Happiness Track: Religious Experiences Really Do Unite Us Emma Seppälä PhD is author of The Happiness Track, founder of FulfillmentDaily.com, and Science ...
Becoming Shameless A decade ago, Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber launched the wildly successful House for All Sinners and ...
Your Personal Hero Quest Understanding our personal Hero Quests can be transformational. What stage of the Quest are you in?