One For The Road

2017 November/December

Recovering from a Double Mastectomy

I'm recovering at my mother's house from a double mastectomy. Alone in the house the other day, I went into my mother's room, stood before this huge crucifix she has hanging on the wall facing her bed, ripped open my blouse, exposed my scarred chest to the Crucified Christ, and angrily screamed, "Why, why, why, why?" over and over again. Now I'm petrified He's going to bring the cancer back. What should I do?

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Moncton, New Brunswick, CA

My thought is to take time to quiet your mind and listen for the answer to your question. Spirit often speaks softly and it's easy for us to drown it out with the noise of life. Often the answer will often come in the form of subtle signs be open and aware in to what presents itself. 

I'm curious, you asked the question and then went straight to fear. Is this a clue? You've fought the battle. Perhaps its time let go of fear and invite joy in. Perhaps I'm saying this because I also need to hear it myself. I wish peace and joy for you.