5 Books to Unearth Your True Calling
(Related article: The Joy of Quitting)

The Happiness Project
Writer Gretchen Rubin dedicates a year to the pursuit of happiness. gretchenrubin.com

How Will You Measure Your Life?
Clayton Christensen explores how to avoid the unhappiness that often traps high-achievers. claytonchristensen.com

Robert Greene draws on the lives of Martha Graham, Charles Darwin, and others to show how pursuing mastery of the thing we love to do can lead to great things. powerseductionandwar.com

A leader in the Positive Psychology movement, Dr. Martin Seligman goes beyond happiness to examine what makes a fulfilling life. authentichappiness.edu

Pleasures and Sorrows of Work
Thinker Alain de Botton looks at a spectrum of occupations to determine what makes some jobs meaningful and others drudgery. alaindebotton.com